About Ursuline Academy
“Build community wherever you go.” - St. Angela Merici
Ursuline Academy’s Commitment to Building Community:
Ursuline Academy Wilmington joins its global network in safeguarding the traditions of the Ursuline Sisters worldwide by developing leaders who embrace an understanding and deep respect for diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. This commitment flows from the teachings of St. Angela, who believed in ‘building community wherever you go’ and respecting the uniqueness of each individual. We uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church, appreciating each person as sacred, made in God’s image, and equal in dignity.
Guided by the very principles that have defined our school since 1893 and the teachings of our spiritual guide, St. Angela Merici, we are called to be attentive to the needs of the times. It is her example to which we aspire. These words by the Ursulines of the Roman Union from their 2016 publication Ursuline Education in the Spirit of St. Angela Merici continue to guide us:
“Our world cries for reconciliation and peace. We also see this need in our school halls, classrooms, on the playgrounds, and among parent gatherings. In our Ursuline educational communities, we can offer opportunities for dialogue and moments of reconciliation. In turn, we can bring the fruits of the Spirit into our troubled world as we reach out to others as Angela did in her time.”
Rooted in Ursuline tradition and Catholic social teaching, we continue to create an environment where all students feel safe and valued to develop their whole selves and to dialogue among peers. Furthermore, it provides an educational setting where difficult conversations can and do happen, with compassion and from a place of love. We remain steadfast in our belief that our community is better, and we are better able to live our values by pursuing this critical effort.
Ursuline Academy continues to carry on St. Angela Merici’s legacy of building community.
Minority Recruitment Partnerships

Community Partnerships