About Ursuline Academy
Ursuline Global Network
St. Angela began her mission in Brescia, Italy with an idea--to advance society through the education of young women. She saw women as significant agents of change in a world longing for love, unity, and harmony during the 16th century and beyond. On November 25, 1535, St. Angela and 28 others formed the Company of Saint Ursula to provide an education for young women. After her death on January 27, 1540, (now known as the Feast Day of St. Angela) the Company of Saint Ursula spread rapidly. Ursuline communities were quickly established in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Canada, and the United States. The Ursuline Global Education Network has since grown from a tiny seed in Brescia to connecting students at Ursuline schools worldwide, now spanning 30 countries and six continents. The network continues to expand with the construction of new Ursuline Schools underway.
All Ursuline students live the Serviam tradition established by St. Angela in her service to those in need and learn in an environment of Christian love and respect. An Ursuline education transcends both centuries and continents, continuing to inspire students to become changemakers, trailblazers, and global leaders who make a positive impact in their communities and worldwide.
Our award winning Global Education Program utilizes this vast and unique network to provide opportunities for collaboration on multiple levels. Through curricular and experiential exchange, members of our school community work to build multifaceted perspectives of the world, acquire intercultural competence, and become thriving and contributing citizens of the world.
The map pictured above is located in Fusco Hall Student Life Center’s Atrium. It was created to celebrate Ursuline Academy Wilmington’s Global Education Program and our worldwide network of Ursuline schools. Each engraved dot represents at least one Ursuline sister school. The map’s wood panels were made from reclaimed cherry church pews from Ursuline Academy Wilmington’s original chapel, dating back to 1924.