About Ursuline Academy
Sister Patricia Schifini, OSU

Sister Patricia Schifini, OSU was born in the Bronx and attended St. Philip Neri School, the Academy of Mt. St. Ursula and the College of New Rochelle, all institutions staffed by the Ursuline Sisters, thus she is steeped in the Ursuline tradition of education. Sr. Patricia has been involved with Ursuline education for over 35 years and has served on many Boards. At the Academy of Mt. St. Ursula, she served as Religion teacher, Athletic Director, and in other capacities. She has been a member of the faculty at Ursuline School in New Rochelle for 25 years as Religion teacher, Campus Minister, Faculty Council member, and Director of the Peer Ministry program, which prepared retreats for students. Currently, Sr. Patricia serves on the leadership team for the Eastern Province of the Ursuline Sisters. She lives in New Rochelle, N.Y.